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2025-02-28 00:58:57 +01:00
lignumis Add optional Basic circuit board 2025-02-28 00:58:57 +01:00
sources Add optional Basic circuit board 2025-02-28 00:58:57 +01:00
.gitignore cleanup 2025-02-23 22:07:44 +01:00 Add optional Basic circuit board 2025-02-28 00:58:57 +01:00

This mod extends the early game of Space Age by putting you on the moon "Lignumis" before you escape to Nauvis. It concentrates on wood and steam technologies, giving you some early game production chains for those resources.

The duration of the stay on Lignumis will be rather short. The impact of the later game will still be substantial (once implemented).

If you start a new game, check out the setting for adding Basic circuit boards.

Mod recommendations

The following mods can be a great addition for this mod:

Burner Leech Fork

There will be fewer inserters that need to be fueled manually.


Planted trees will have more than one variant.

Hot metals

If you like the idea that metals need to cool down after being smolten in a furnace, Lignumis gold has support for hot metals.

Wooden Military

If you want more of it than Lignumis offers, add this mod. It adds ammo for shotguns and there are settings for rockets and artillery shells.

Wooden Industry

If you like go more into the charcoal direction. It has no overlap with Lignumis and starts to get relevant on Nauvis.

Wooden Fulgora: Coralmium Agriculture, Wooden Vulcanus: Sulfuric Bacteria and Wooden Aquilo: Seabloom Algaculture

For wood on the other planets.

AAI Loaders

A wooden loader is added when this mod is active. Also supports AAI Loaders, a sane rebalance.

Compatibility with other planet mods

The following planet mods are tested for (at least technical) compatibility:

Problematic / incompatible mods

  • Mods that let you start on a different planet: They are supported, but you are missing half of the content of this mod.
  • Alien Biomes: Lignumis won't have any trees. It's playable, but not as intended.
  • The rest of the Wooden Universe: I marked the ones incompatible that don't make sense to combine or that wouldn't add more that is not already included.

Add compatibility to your mod

Lignumis, by default, adds wood and steam science packs during data-updates.lua to all technologies that match certain criteria. First it looks at a whitelist of science packs. If a technology has any of those, it is considered a candidate for adding the science packs. Then a blacklist for science packs and specific technology names is applied.

Also, Lignumis adds wood and steam science packs during data-updates.lua to all labs' inputs. If your lab is special use the lab_blacklist described below.

These lists are made available in data.lua in a global table called Lignumis to add compatibility for other mods.


A technology having any of these science packs as ingredient will get wood and steam science packs added.

As wood science packs can't be imported before coming back to Lignumis, only advanced Nauvis science packs are added here and exceptions are needed for advanced technologies that are required to upgrade Lignumis to export science packs.


A technology is skipped if it has any of these as ingredient.

If you have a planet that only uses its own science packs and must not rely on other science packs to be imported, add your science packs to the blacklist.


These technologies are skipped even if they are matches according to above lists.

Use this list if you want to have wood and steam science packs added to most of your technologies, but skip some. Lignumis uses this list for technologies that match the whitelist but are required for coming back to Lignumis in order to create the science pack export.

As an alternative, you can add lignumis_skip_science_packs = true to any technology.


Don't touch inputs for labs in this list.

Lignumis adds wood and steam science packs to all labs' inputs in data-updates.lua so modded labs will support them. If your modded lab is special and it should not support these science packs, use this list or set the inputs in data-final-fixes.lua.




  • Simplified chinese (zh-CN): cyx2015s
  • Polish (pl): StarGazer



  • Lumber mill
  • Deep miner
  • Quality assembler


  • Gold seed
  • Moist stromatolite remnant


  • Gold patch


  • Gold ore
  • Gold wire


  • Wood liquefaction


  • Portable engine

Zithorian's Extra Storage Tanks

  • Gold storage tank

Wooden Basegame Assets

  • Lumber

Krastorio 2 Assets

  • Basic radar



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