Normal file
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Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 7.3 MiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 285 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.6 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.3 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.3 KiB |
Normal file
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@ -13,11 +13,15 @@ peat=Peat
burner-agricultural-tower=Burner agricultural tower
burner-assembling-machine=Burner assembling machine
burner-long-handed-inserter=Burner long handed inserter
lumber-mill=Lumber mill
copper-stromatolite-plant=Copper stromatolite plant
copper-stromatolite-lignumis=Copper stromatolite
wooden-gear-wheel=Wooden gear wheel
wood-science-pack=Wood science pack
copper-stromatolite-seed=Copper stromatolite seed
wooden-wall=Use wooden walls to protect your base from the locals and to reduce noise levels.
@ -27,6 +31,7 @@ wood-science-pack=Wood science pack
burner-automation=Burner automation
planet-discovery-nauvis=Planet discovery Nauvis
iron-processing=Iron processing
lumber-mill=Lumber mill
wood-floor=Wood floor
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ assembling_machine.next_upgrade = "assembling-machine-1"
assembling_machine.corpses = "burner-assembling-machine-remnants"
assembling_machine.resistances = nil
assembling_machine.graphics_set.animation.layers[1].filename = "__lignumis__/graphics/entity/burner-assembling-machine.png"
assembling_machine.crafting_categories = { "crafting", "basic-crafting", "organic-or-assembling" }
assembling_machine.crafting_categories = { "crafting", "basic-crafting", "organic-or-assembling", "wood-processing-or-assembling" }
assembling_machine.crafting_speed = 0.25
assembling_machine.energy_source = {
type = "burner",
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
local space_age_item_sounds = require("__space-age__.prototypes.item_sounds")
local copper_stromatolite_lignumis = util.copy(data.raw["simple-entity"]["copper-stromatolite"])
copper_stromatolite_lignumis.name = "copper-stromatolite-lignumis"
copper_stromatolite_lignumis.autoplace = nil
table.insert(copper_stromatolite_lignumis.minable.results, { type = "item", name = "copper-stromatolite-seed", amount_min = 1, amount_max = 7, probability = 0.5 })
local copper_stromatolite_plant = util.copy(data.raw["plant"]["tree-plant"])
copper_stromatolite_plant.name = "copper-stromatolite-plant"
copper_stromatolite_plant.localised_name = { "entity-name.copper-stromatolite-plant" }
copper_stromatolite_plant.icon = "__space-age__/graphics/icons/copper-stromatolite.png"
copper_stromatolite_plant.map_color = { 0.803, 0.388, 0.215, 0.5 }
copper_stromatolite_plant.agricultural_tower_tint = {
primary = { r = 0.878, g = 0.310, b = 0.114, a = 1 },
secondary = { r = 0.537, g = 0.259, b = 0.114, a = 1 }, -- #89421dff
copper_stromatolite_plant.minable = {
mining_particle = "copper-ore-particle",
mining_time = 2,
results = {
{ type = "item", name = "copper-ore", amount_min = 13, amount_max = 17 },
{ type = "item", name = "copper-bacteria", amount_min = 23, amount_max = 37 },
{ type = "item", name = "copper-stromatolite-seed", amount_min = 1, amount_max = 3 }
copper_stromatolite_plant.growth_ticks = 20 * minute
copper_stromatolite_plant.variations = nil
copper_stromatolite_plant.variation_weights = nil
copper_stromatolite_plant.collision_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}}
copper_stromatolite_plant.selection_box = {{-0.7, -0.7}, {0.7, 0.7}}
copper_stromatolite_plant.remains_when_mined = nil
copper_stromatolite_plant.pictures = {
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-01.png",
width = 209,
height = 138,
shift = { 0.304688, -0.4 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-02.png",
width = 165,
height = 129,
shift = { 0.0, 0.0390625 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-03.png",
width = 151,
height = 139,
shift = { 0.151562, 0.0 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-04.png",
width = 216,
height = 110,
shift = { 0.390625, 0.0 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-05.png",
width = 154,
height = 147,
shift = { 0.328125, 0.0703125 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-06.png",
width = 154,
height = 132,
shift = { 0.16875, -0.1 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-07.png",
width = 193,
height = 130,
shift = { 0.3, -0.2 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-08.png",
width = 136,
height = 117,
shift = { 0.0, 0.0 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-09.png",
width = 157,
height = 115,
shift = { 0.1, 0.0 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-10.png",
width = 198,
height = 153,
shift = { 0.325, -0.1 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-11.png",
width = 190,
height = 115,
shift = { 0.453125, 0.0 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-12.png",
width = 229,
height = 126,
shift = { 0.539062, -0.015625 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-13.png",
width = 151,
height = 125,
shift = { 0.0703125, 0.179688 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-14.png",
width = 137,
height = 117,
shift = { 0.160938, 0.0 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-15.png",
width = 201,
height = 141,
shift = { 0.242188, -0.195312 },
scale = 0.4
filename = "__space-age__/graphics/entity/stromatolite/copper/stromatolite-16.png",
width = 209,
height = 154,
shift = { 0.351562, -0.1 },
scale = 0.4
type = "item",
name = "copper-stromatolite-seed",
localised_name = { "item-name.copper-stromatolite-seed" },
localised_description = { "item-description.copper-stromatolite-seed" },
icon = "__lignumis__/graphics/icons/copper-stromatolite-seed.png",
pictures = {
{ size = 64, filename = "__lignumis__/graphics/icons/copper-stromatolite-seed-1.png", scale = 0.5, mipmap_count = 4 },
{ size = 64, filename = "__lignumis__/graphics/icons/copper-stromatolite-seed-2.png", scale = 0.5, mipmap_count = 4 },
{ size = 64, filename = "__lignumis__/graphics/icons/copper-stromatolite-seed-3.png", scale = 0.5, mipmap_count = 4 },
{ size = 64, filename = "__lignumis__/graphics/icons/copper-stromatolite-seed-4.png", scale = 0.5, mipmap_count = 4 },
subgroup = "agriculture-processes",
order = "a[seeds]-a[copper-stromatolite-seed]",
plant_result = "copper-stromatolite-plant",
place_result = "copper-stromatolite-plant",
inventory_move_sound = space_age_item_sounds.agriculture_inventory_move,
pick_sound = space_age_item_sounds.agriculture_inventory_pickup,
drop_sound = space_age_item_sounds.agriculture_inventory_move,
stack_size = 10,
default_import_location = "lignumis",
weight = 10 * kg
@ -7,5 +7,7 @@ require("wood-science")
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ return {
["fish"] = {},
["big-sand-rock"] = {},
["big-rock"] = {},
["copper-stromatolite"] = {}
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
local hit_effects = require("__base__.prototypes.entity.hit-effects")
local sounds = require("__base__.prototypes.entity.sounds")
local item_sounds = require("__base__.prototypes.item_sounds")
type = "recipe-category",
name = "wood-processing-or-assembling"
type = "assembling-machine",
name = "lumber-mill",
icon = "__lignumis__/graphics/icons/lumber-mill.png",
flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" },
minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "lumber-mill" },
fast_replaceable_group = "lumber-mill",
max_health = 200,
corpse = "foundry-remnants",
dying_explosion = "foundry-explosion",
collision_box = { { -3.2, -3.2 }, { 3.2, 3.2 } },
selection_box = { { -3.5, -3.5 }, { 3.5, 3.5 } },
damaged_trigger_effect = hit_effects.entity(),
drawing_box_vertical_extension = 1.3,
effect_receiver = { base_effect = { productivity = 0.5 } },
module_slots = 4,
icon_draw_specification = { scale = 2, shift = { 0, -0.3 } },
icons_positioning = {
{ inventory_index = defines.inventory.assembling_machine_modules, shift = { 0, 1.25 } }
allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution", "quality" },
crafting_categories = { "wood-processing-or-assembling" },
crafting_speed = 4,
energy_source = {
type = "burner",
fuel_categories = { "chemical" },
effectivity = 1,
fuel_inventory_size = 3,
emissions_per_minute = { noise = 50 }
energy_usage = "1000kW",
perceived_performance = { minimum = 0.25, performance_to_activity_rate = 2.0, maximum = 20 },
graphics_set = {
animation = {
layers = {
filename = "__lignumis__/graphics/entity/lumber-mill-shadow.png",
priority = "high",
width = 700,
height = 700,
frame_count = 1,
line_length = 1,
repeat_count = 80,
animation_speed = 0.15,
shift = { 0, 0 },
draw_as_shadow = true,
scale = 0.5
priority = "high",
width = 460,
height = 500,
frame_count = 80,
lines_per_file = 8,
shift = { 0, 0 },
scale = 0.5,
stripes = {
filename = "__lignumis__/graphics/entity/lumber-mill-animation-1.png",
width_in_frames = 8,
height_in_frames = 8
filename = "__lignumis__/graphics/entity/lumber-mill-animation-2.png",
width_in_frames = 8,
height_in_frames = 2
open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/open-close/train-stop-open.ogg", volume = 0.6 },
close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/open-close/train-stop-close.ogg", volume = 0.5 },
--working_sound =
-- sound =
-- {
-- filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry.ogg", volume = 0.5
-- },
-- --idle_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/idle1.ogg", volume = 0.3 },
-- fade_in_ticks = 4,
-- fade_out_ticks = 20,
-- sound_accents =
-- {
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-pipe-out.ogg", volume = 0.9 }, frame = 2, audible_distance_modifier = 0.4 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-slide-close.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, frame = 18, audible_distance_modifier = 0.3 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-clamp.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, frame = 39, audible_distance_modifier = 0.3 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-slide-stop.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, frame = 43, audible_distance_modifier = 0.4 },
-- { sound = { variations = sound_variations("__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-fire-whoosh", 3, 0.8 )}, frame = 64, audible_distance_modifier = 0.3 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-metal-clunk.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, frame = 64, audible_distance_modifier = 0.4 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-slide-open.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, frame = 74, audible_distance_modifier = 0.3 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-pipe-in.ogg", volume = 0.75 }, frame = 106, audible_distance_modifier = 0.4 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-smoke-puff.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, frame = 106, audible_distance_modifier = 0.3 },
-- { sound = { variations = sound_variations("__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-pour", 2, 0.7 )}, frame = 110 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-rocks.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, frame = 120, audible_distance_modifier = 0.3 },
-- { sound = { filename = "__space-age__/sound/entity/foundry/foundry-blade.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, frame = 126 },
-- },
-- audible_distance_modifier = 0.6,
-- max_sounds_per_type = 2
type = "item",
name = "lumber-mill",
icon = "__lignumis__/graphics/icons/lumber-mill.png",
subgroup = "production-machine",
order = "d[lumber-mill]",
inventory_move_sound = item_sounds.mechanical_large_inventory_move,
pick_sound = item_sounds.mechanical_large_inventory_pickup,
drop_sound = item_sounds.mechanical_large_inventory_move,
place_result = "lumber-mill",
stack_size = 20,
default_import_location = "lignumis",
weight = 200 * kg
type = "recipe",
name = "lumber-mill",
category = "wood-processing-or-assembling",
enabled = false,
ingredients = {
{ type = "item", name = "stone-brick", amount = 40 },
{ type = "item", name = "lumber", amount = 100 },
{ type = "item", name = "wooden-gear-wheel", amount = 100 },
{ type = "item", name = "copper-plate", amount = 60 },
{ type = "item", name = "burner-assembling-machine", amount = 5 },
energy_required = 60,
results = { { type = "item", name = "lumber-mill", amount = 1 } }
type = "technology",
name = "lumber-mill",
icon = "__lignumis__/graphics/technology/lumber-mill.png",
icon_size = 256,
effects = {
type = "unlock-recipe",
recipe = "lumber-mill"
prerequisites = { "wood-science-pack" },
unit = {
count = 500,
ingredients = {
{ "wood-science-pack", 1 }
time = 30
@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ tree_plant.growth_ticks = 5 * minute
tree_plant.minable.results = { { type = "item", name = "wood", amount_min = 4, amount_max = 6 } }
tree_plant.minable.count = nil
table.insert(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-1"].crafting_categories, "wood-processing-or-assembling")
table.insert(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-2"].crafting_categories, "wood-processing-or-assembling")
table.insert(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-3"].crafting_categories, "wood-processing-or-assembling")
-- Disable iron recipes
@ -156,3 +156,7 @@ data.raw.recipe["wood-transport-belt"].ingredients = {
local lumber = data.raw.item["lumber"]
lumber.fuel_category = "chemical"
lumber.fuel_value = "4MJ"
local lumber_recipe = data.raw.recipe["lumber"]
lumber_recipe.category = "wood-processing-or-assembling"
lumber_recipe.energy_required = 2