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lignumis= Lignumis
lignumis=Dive into the world of Lignumis, a moon of Nauvis offering only the most basic technologies.
lignumis=Lignumis is a moon orbiting Nauvis. It is quite similar to Nauvis but seems to be younger and with fewer resources.
noise=__1__ noise
wood-lab=Drewniana stacja badawcza
burner-agricultural-tower=Spalinowa wieża rolnicza
burner-assembling-machine=Spalinowy automat montażowy
burner-long-handed-inserter=Spalinowy daleko ramienny podajnik
gold-stromatolite=Gold stromatolite
gold-stromatolite-plant=Gold stromatolite plant
gold-stromatolite-lignumis=Gold stromatolite
gold-patch=Złoże złota
deep-miner=Wiertnica głębinowa
gold-pipe=Złota rura
gold-pipe-to-ground=podziemna złota rura
gold-storage-tank=Gold storage tank
desiccation-furnace=Piec osuszający
steam-assembling-machine=Parowy automat montażowy
provisional-rocket-silo=Prowizoryczny silos rakietowy
provisional-rocket-silo-ready=Prowizoryczny silos rakietowy (Gotowy)
basic-gun-turret=Podstawowa wieżyczka obronna
basic-construction-robot-gold=Podstawowy robot konstrukcyjny (złoty)
basic-construction-robot-copper=Podstawowy robot konstrukcyjny (miedziany)
wood-transport-belt=drewniany taśmociąg
wood-underground-belt=drewniany taśmociąg podziemny
wood-splitter=drewniany roździlacz
basic-radar=Podstawowy radar
active-noise-cancelling-tower=Wieża z aktywnym tłumieniem hałasu
quality-assembler=Zaawansowany automat montażowy
lumber-mill=Zaawansowana maszyna do obróbki drewna.
quality-assembler=High-end assembler to craft only the finest quality machines. It gives one free quality tier to the crafted item by consuming [item=katalizator złotej jakości.]. Surface conditions and ingredients are otherwise unchanged.
basic-portable-generator-equipment-gold=Podstawowy przenośny generator energii (złoty)
basic-portable-generator-equipment-copper=Podstawowy przenośny generator energii (miedziany)
basic-personal-roboport-equipment-gold=Podstawowy osobisty roboport (złoty)
basic-personal-roboport-equipment-copper=Podstawowy osobisty roboport (miedziany)
wooden-gear-wheel=Drewniana zębatka
wood-science-pack=Drewniany Pakiet Naukowy
gold-stromatolite-seed=Złote nasiono stromatolitu.
gold-ore=Ruda złota.
gold-bacteria=Złota bakteria
gold-plate=Złota płytka
gold-cable=Złoty kabel
moist-stromatolite-remnant=Moist stromatolite remnant
steam-science-parowy pakiet naukowy
destination-nauvis=Podróż na Nauvis
basic-repair-pack=podstawowy zestaw naprawczy
cupriavidus-necator=Cupriavidus necator
dead-cupriavidus-necator=Dead Cupriavidus necator
gold-quality-catalyst=katalizator złotej jakości.
wood-armor=drewniany pancerz
wood-darts-magazine=Wood darts magazine
wooden-wall=Użyj drewnianych ścian, aby chronić swoją bazę przed miejscowymi i zredukować poziom hałasu.
stone-wall=Lepsza ochrona akustyczna i fizyczna niż drewniana alternatywa..
destination-nauvis=Włóż ten przedmiot do rakiety, aby podróżować na Nauvis.. Notice that you won`t come back for a while.\n__REMARK_COLOR_BEGIN__BETA notice: Keep at most 40 item stack in your inventory before leaving as the current transition to Nauvis is a temporary implementation. Be sure to take material to jumpstart your iron, copper and wood production.__REMARK_COLOR_END__
wood-pulp=wood pulp
molten-gold=Płynne złoto
moist-stromatolite-remnant-desiccation=Osusz resztki mokrego stromatolitu
moist-stromatolite-remnant-desiccation-without-steam=Osusz resztki mokrego stromatolitu
gold-stromatolite-seed-to-peat=rzetwórz nasiona złotego stromatolitu
wood-liquefaction=upłynnianie drewna
provisional-rocket-part=Część tymczasowa rakiety
wood-splitter-electronic-circuit=Rozdzielacz drewna
burner-agricultural-tower-electronic-circuit=Spalinowa wieża rolnicza
cupriavidus-necator-starter=Cupriavidus necator (starter culture)
low-density-structure-gold=Low density structure
nutrients-from-wood-pulp=Nutrients from wood pulp
active-noise-cancelling=Active noise cancelling
moist-stromatolite-remnant-desiccation-without-steam=Used for balancing the production of steam.
gold-stromatolite-seed-to-peat=Used for voiding excess gold stromatolite seeds.
wood-science-pack=Wood science pack
burner-automation=Burner automation
planet-discovery-nauvis=Planet discovery Nauvis
planet-discovery-lignumis=Moon discovery Lignumis
iron-processing=Iron processing
copper-processing=Copper processing
lumber-mill=Lumber mill
deep-miner=Wiertnica Głębinowa
gold-fluid-handling=Gold fluid handling
steam-automation=Steam automation
steam-science-pack=Steam science pack
wood-liquefaction=Wood liquefaction
provisional-rocketry=Provisional rocketry
basic-gun-turret=Basic gun turret
basic-construction-robotics-gold=Basic construction robotics (gold)
basic-construction-robotics-copper=Basic construction robotics (copper)
wood-logistics=Wood logistics
automation=Electric automation
tree-seeding=Basic agriculture
basic-repair-pack=Basic repair pack
basic-radar=Basic radar
active-noise-cancelling=Active noise cancelling
quality-assembler=Quality assembler
wood-science-pack=Allows research of basic technologies based on wood products.
burner-automation=Technology for basic automation using burner machines.
planet-discovery-nauvis=A temperate planet offering all the common resources.
planet-discovery-lignumis=A moon orbiting Nauvis that has not much to offer besides some vegetation and a metal that might be useful.
lumber-mill=Advanced machine to process wood.
deep-miner=Gives access to huge gold deposits that were previously unreachable.
steam-automation=Allows research of more sophisticated technologies based on wood products and gold.
wood-liquefaction=Converting wood into a liquid offers new possibilities.
provisional-rocketry=We need to get off of this moon somehow. This is our only chance!
basic-gun-turret=The most basic automatic defense. It's not much, but it has to suffice for now.
basic-construction-robotics-gold=The most basic assistance for personal construction needs.
basic-construction-robotics-copper=The most basic assistance for personal construction needs.
wood-logistics=Slow but automatic transportation of goods.
tree-seeding=[entity=burner-agricultural-tower] allows planting seeds into seedable soil. Planted seeds grow into trees that can be harvested.\n[entity=tree-plant] can grow on grass and dirt. [entity=gold-stromatolite] can grow on [tile=natural-gold-soil].
active-noise-cancelling=Helps handling noise.
quality-assembler=High-end assembler to craft only the finest quality machines using a special resource only found on Lignumis.
automation-science-pack=Leave Lignumis to enable advanced technology research.
basic-gun-turret-attack-bonus=Basic gun turret damage: +__1__
wood-floor=Wood floor
natural-gold-soil=Gold-infused soil
wood=Wood fuel
quality-catalyst=Quality catalyst
lignumis-belt-progression=Enable progressive belt recipes
lignumis-inserter-progression=Enable progressive inserter recipes
lignumis-ammo-progression=Enable progressive ammo recipes
lignumis-technology-progression=Enable progressive technologies
lignumis-belt-progression=Yellow belts will require wood belts to craft.
lignumis-inserter-progression=Yellow electric inserter will require burner inserter to craft.
lignumis-ammo-progression=Firearm magazines will require wooden darts magazines to craft.
lignumis-technology-progression=Adds wood and steam science packs to most late game technologies. Disabling this removes the relevance of Lignumis' science packs in the late game.
no-quality-catalyst=No quality catalyst
accepted-catalysts=Accepted catalysts
quality-catalyst-energy-value=Quality value
quality-catalyst=Quality catalyst
start-new-game=Lignumis is meant to be played in a fresh game as it extends the early game before Nauvis.
provisional-rocket-silo-button=Escape to Nauvis
provisional-rocket-silo-button-tooltip-inventory=Your personal inventory must be empty!
provisional-rocket-silo-button-tooltip-nauvis=You don't know yet where to go!
provisional-rocket-silo-description=Fill the rocket inventory and launch the rocket to escape to Nauvis.\nBe sure to take material to jumpstart your iron, copper and wood production.