ei-dark-age=The first age of the Exotic Industries mod. Introducing first burner based automation.
ei-steam-age=The second age of the Exotic Industries mod. Use steam powered machines to automate your base and progress further.
ei-electricity-age=The third age of the Exotic Industries mod. Harness the power of electricity and get into more advanced chemical processing.
ei-computer-age=The fourth age of the Exotic Industries mod. Computer based systems will allow you to further increase efficiency of your factory and automate more complex tasks.
ei-quantum-age=The fifth age of the Exotic Industries mod. Fusion and high tech machinery await you!
ei-exotic-age=The sixth age and final age of the Exotic Industries mod. Win the game by completing the building of a superstructure.
ei-steam-assember=Basic steam based automation.
ei-steam-oil-processing=Get into basic oil processing and use it for basic chemistry or fuel production.
ei-electricity-power=Get into basic electricity production and use it to power your machines.
ei-destill-tower=Distill oil into its components.
ei-computer-core=Get into basic computer based automation.
ei-big-lab=Advanced labs are needed to research more advanced technologies.
ei-induction-matrix=The induction matrix is a massive energy storing multistructure. More info can be found in the InformaTron wiki.
ei-neodym-refining=Refine neodym ore into neodym ingot. These are crucial for high tech machinery.
ei-deep-mining=Get into deep mining and use it to get more resources as well as resources only found in deep layers of nauvis.
ei-moon-exploration=Obtain moon fish and get into space exploration.
ei-quantum-computer=Get into quantum computer based automation.
ei-fluid-boiler=Consumes [color=orange]burnable fluids[/color] in order to produce steam. [color=orange]Burnable fluids[/color] include oil, oil products and in general fluids with a fuel value.
ei-small-inserter=An 2x2 inserter with filter slots. Can move entire stacks of items at once.
ei-big-inserter=An 2x2 inserter with filter slots. Can move entire stacks of items at once at high speeds.
ei-rocket-silo=Allows you to launch a rocket into space.
ei-bio-chamber=Grow alien seeds and use them to produce bio enhanced plates. Some initial amount of seeds can be found by killing alien flowers. \n\n
ei-gate=Travel to new lands! \n\n
ei-cargo-bot=A slow cargo bot capable of carrying a lot of items.
ei-construction-bot=Fast construction bot
ei-advanced-logistic-bot=Highly advanced logistic bot. Fast, long range and can carry more items.
ei-advanced-construction-bot=Highly advanced construction bot. Fast, long range and can carry more items.
ei-excavator=Consumes [color=blue]water[/color][fluid=water] to produce [color=orange]15/s stone[/color][item=stone] and [color=brown]dirty water[/color][fluid=ei-dirty-water].
ei-metalworks_1=Process [color=orange]ingots[/color] fast and efficiently.
ei-metalworks_2=Process [color=orange]ingots[/color] fast and efficiently.
ei-metalworks_3=Process [color=orange]ingots[/color] fast and efficiently.
ei-metalworks_4=Process [color=orange]ingots[/color] fast and efficiently.
ei-fluid-heater=Produce heat by burning:
ei-fluid-boiler=Produce steam by burning:
ei-insulated-pipe=The insulated pipe is a special type of pipe that can be used to transport [color=red]very hot (plasmas of gases)[/color] or [color=blue]cold fluids (liquid gases)[/color], that would otherwise damage the pipe.
ei-insulated-underground-pipe=The insulated pipe is a special type of pipe that can be used to transport [color=red]very hot (plasmas of gases)[/color] or [color=blue]cold fluids (liquid gases)[/color], that would otherwise damage the pipe.
ei-insulated-tank=The insulated tank is a special type of tank that can be used to store [color=red]very hot (plasmas of gases)[/color] or [color=blue]cold fluids (liquid gases)[/color], that would otherwise damage the tank.
ei-cooler=A hypercooler used to cool down gases into their liquid phase. Use [color=blue]insulated pipes[/color] [item=ei-insulated-pipe] to transport the liquid gases.
ei-data-pipe=Specialised data cable that can transport [color=blue]computing power[/color] [fluid=ei-computing-power].
ei-stone-quarry=This quarry drill can mine [color=orange]stone[/color] [item=stone] from everywhere.
ei-electric-stone-quarry=This quarry drill can mine [color=orange]stone[/color] [item=stone] from everywhere.
ei-deep-drill=This drill can access ore veins. Needs [color=orange]1/s drill fluid[/color] [fluid=ei-drill-fluid] to work.
ei-advanced-drill=This drill can access ore veins. Needs [color=orange]2/s drill fluid[/color] [fluid=ei-drill-fluid] to work.
ei-deep-pumpjack=An upgraded pumpjack. Can also access [color=blue]cryoflux[/color][fluid=ei-cryoflux] and [color=green]phytogas[/color][fluid=ei-phythogas] deposits.
ei-exotic-assembler=This assembler can be used to craft [color=orange]exotic items[/color]. However as exotic matter seems to be very unstable it needs to be placed near a [color=blue]matter stabilizer[/color] to prevent it from exploding.
ei-computer-core=Requires electricity and some electronic components to provide [color=blue]computing power[/color] [fluid=ei-computing-power]. Connect a [color=orange]data cable[/color] [item=ei-data-pipe] to it to use it.
ei-quantum-computer=A highly advanced computer. Provide various inputs to acquire high tech data.
ei-matter-stabilizer=A man-made matter stabilizer. It can be used to stabilize [color=orange]exotic matter assemblers[/color] [item=ei-exotic-assembler] and prevent them from exploding.
ei-copper-beacon=A liquid cooled beacon. Needs [color=blue]1/s liquid nitrogen[/color] [fluid=ei-liquid-nitrogen] to function. Counts as [color=orange]1[/color] beacon towards beacon overloads.
ei-iron-beacon=A liquid cooled beacon. Needs [color=blue]2/s liquid nitrogen[/color] [fluid=ei-liquid-nitrogen] to function. Counts as [color=orange]2[/color] beacon towards beacon overloads.
ei-induction-matrix-core=Core of the Induction matrix multistructure. Only one core can be placed per matrix.
ei-induction-matrix-basic-coil=Basic coil of the Induction matrix multistructure. Increases matrix energy capacity by [color=yellow]25 MJ[/color].
ei-induction-matrix-advanced-coil=Advanced coil of the Induction matrix multistructure. Increases matrix energy capacity by [color=yellow]100 MJ[/color].
ei-induction-matrix-superior-coil=Superior coil of the Induction matrix multistructure. Increases matrix energy capacity by [color=yellow]1000 MJ[/color].
ei-induction-matrix-basic-converter=Basic converter of the Induction matrix multistructure. Increases matrix energy transfer rate.
ei-induction-matrix-advanced-converter=Advanced converter of the Induction matrix multistructure. Increases matrix energy transfer rate. Counts as [color=orange]2[/color] basic converters.
ei-induction-matrix-superior-converter=Superior converter of the Induction matrix multistructure. Increases matrix energy transfer rate. 4 of these are supported at max. Counts as [color=orange]4[/color] basic converters.
ei-induction-matrix-basic-solenoid=Solenoid of the Induction matrix multistructure. Can increase efficiency of coils when placed next to them in series. Too many solenoids however can cause a decrease in matrix energy capacity.
ei-fission-facility=Obtain fission related data to develop fission reactors.
ei-high-temperature-reactor=Needs to be powered with [color=red]heat[/color] from other reactors. Produces large amounts of steam and can also utilize [color=orange]thorium[/color] [item=ei-thorium-232] based fuel. When using a [color=green]uranium-235 fuel rod[/color] [item=ei-uranium-235-fuel] this machine generates 500MW of power.
ei-castor=Store your dirty [color=yellow]nuclear waste[/color] [item=ei-nuclear-waste] here.
ei-neutron-collector=Absorbs neutrons from neutron sources, such as nuclear reactors, fusion reactors and other, to charge up [color=blue]neutron containers[/color] [item=ei-charged-neutron-container]. Depending on how far away the collector is from a neutron source its efficiency will change. The closer the more efficient. A lower efficiency means, that one charge up process of a [color=blue]neutron container[/color] [item=ei-neutron-container] -> [item=ei-charged-neutron-container] will take longer.
ei-neutron-activator=Infuse various elements with neutrons from [color=blue]neutron containers[/color] [item=ei-charged-neutron-container] to obtain value fusion fuel.
ei-fusion-reactor=A thermonuclear fusion reactor. It can fuse various fusion fuels together to heat up [color=orange]liquid lead coolant[/color] [fluid=ei-cold-coolant][fluid=ei-hot-coolant] for power generation. The reactor can work in various modes. Be sure to check out the InformaTron wiki for more information.
ei-gauss-module=[font=default-bold]The god module.[/font] This module can be used in [font=default-bold]any machine that accepts productivity[/font], but is not restricted on certain recipes.
ei-small-inserter=An 2x2 inserter with filter slots. Can move entire stacks of items at once.
ei-big-inserter=An 2x2 inserter with filter slots. Can move entire stacks of items at once at high speeds.
ei-small-inserter-normal=An 2x2 inserter. Can move entire stacks of items at once. Can not be used to filter items.
ei-big-inserter-normal=An 2x2 inserter. Can move entire stacks of items at once at high speeds. Can not be used to filter items.
ei-module-base=The foundation of a module. Can be used to craft various modules.
ei-photon-cavity=A cavity designed to store photons.
ei-z-boson-cavity=A cavity designed to store z-bosons.
ei-gluon-cavity=A cavity designed to store gluons.
ei-destill-tower=A distillation tower that requires [color=red]heat[/color] to function. Can separate [color=orange]residual oil[/color] [fluid=ei-residual-oil] into its components.
ei-advanced-destill-tower=A distillation tower that requires [color=yellow]electricity[/color] to function. Can separate [color=orange]residual oil[/color] [fluid=ei-residual-oil] into its components.
ei-mining-satellite=A satellite that can mine [color=orange]planet rocks[/color] [item=ei-moon-rock][item=ei-sulf-rock][item=ei-mars-rock][item=ei-uran-rock][item=ei-exotic-rock] from their respective space destinations. Will always mine [color=red]10.000[/color] rocks per launch.
ei-exploration-satellite=A satellite that explores the unknown! Shoot it into distant space and maybe you will find something interesting.
ei-rocket-silo=Launch rockets into space and towards different destinations. More info in the InformaTron wiki and in the rocket silo GUI.
ei-thorium-232-fuel=Thorium-232 based nuclear fuel, only works in the [color=green]high temperature reactor[/color] [item=ei-high-temperature-reactor]. One fuel rod generates [color=orange]300k steam[/color] [fluid=steam] in 120 seconds, when used in the [color=green]high temperature reactor[/color] [item=ei-high-temperature-reactor].
ei-plutonium-239-fuel=Plutonium-239 based nuclear fuel. One fuel rod generates [color=orange]700k steam[/color] [fluid=steam] in 120 seconds, when used in the [color=green]high temperature reactor[/color] [item=ei-high-temperature-reactor].
ei-uranium-235-fuel=Uranium-235 based nuclear fuel. One fuel rod generates [color=orange]600k steam[/color] [fluid=steam] in 120 seconds, when used in the [color=green]high temperature reactor[/color] [item=ei-high-temperature-reactor].
ei-uranium-233-fuel=Uranium-233 based nuclear fuel. One fuel rod generates [color=orange]400k steam[/color] [fluid=steam] in 120 seconds, when used in the [color=green]high temperature reactor[/color] [item=ei-high-temperature-reactor].
ei-burner-inserter=This inserter burns fuel to move items. Can pull [color=orange]burnable fuel[/color] from machines it extracts from.
ei-oil-refinery=A oil refinery powered using [color=red]heat[/color].
ei-heat-chemical-plant=A chemical plant powered using [color=red]heat[/color].
ei-scanner=A scanner to analyze alien artifacts. Selecting an alien lifeform or artifact will start a scan, returning [color=#d43e8e]alien Units KU[/color].\n\n[color=red][CAUTION][/color] Scanning will destroy the selected alien lifeform or artifact in the process.
ei-space-data=Obtained by launching a [color=blue]satellite[/color] [item=satellite] into [color=green]nauvis orbit[/color].
ei-moon-rock=Obtained by launching a [color=blue]mining satellite[/color] [item=ei-mining-satellite] to the [color=green]moon[/color].
ei-mars-rock=Obtained by launching a [color=blue]mining satellite[/color] [item=ei-mining-satellite] to [color=green]mars[/color].
ei-sulf-rock=Obtained by launching a [color=blue]mining satellite[/color] [item=ei-mining-satellite] to [color=green]sulf planet[/color].
ei-uran-rock=Obtained by launching a [color=blue]mining satellite[/color] [item=ei-mining-satellite] to [color=green]uran planet[/color].
ei-exotic-rock=Obtained by launching a [color=blue]mining satellite[/color] [item=ei-mining-satellite] to the [color=green]asteroid[/color].
ei-black-hole-data=Obtained by launching a [color=blue]observation satellite[/color] [item=ei-watch-satellite] into [color=green]black hole orbit[/color].
ei-holo-asteroid=A decorational holo display.
ei-holo-gas-giant=A decorational holo display.
ei-holo-moon=A decorational holo display.
ei-holo-mars=A decorational holo display.
ei-holo-sun=A decorational holo display.
ei-holo-nauvis-orbit=A decorational holo display.
ei-holo-uran=A decorational holo display.
ei-holo-sulf=A decorational holo display.
ei-burner-heater=Consumes [color=orange]burnable items[/color] in order to produce [color=red]heat[/color].
ei-combustion-turbine=A highly efficient and compact turbine, with increased efficiency.
ei-basic-heat-pipe=A low capacity heat pipe. Transports heat slowly and only small amounts. Can handle up to [color=red]275dec[/color] of heat.
ei-advanced-deep-drill=This drill can access ore veins. Needs [color=orange]2/s drill fluid[/color] [fluid=ei-drill-fluid] to work.
ei-burner-assembler=The most basic assember, powered by [color=orange]burnable fuels[/color]. Note that [color=brown]burner inserters[/color][item=burner-inserter] can also pull their fuel from this machine.
ei-steam-assembler=A steam powered assember. It can pass-through [color=orange]steam[/color][fluid=steam] needed for powering. Note that recipes, which need steam as an input will also need an extra steam pipe.
ei-steam-crusher=A steam powered crusher. It can pass-through [color=orange]steam[/color][fluid=steam] needed for powering.
ei-waver-factory=Fabricate high quality [color=orange]semiconductors[/color][item=ei-semiconductor][item=ei-advanced-semiconductor] using this machine.
ei-caster=Cast your favorite ingots[item=iron-plate][item=copper-plate][item=steel-plate][item=ei-gold-ingot][item=ei-lead-ingot][item=ei-neodym-ingot][item=ei-glass] here.
ei-lufter=Can extract and vent gasses from the atmosphere.
ei-grower=Grow and harvest [color=green]energy crystals[/color][item=ei-energy-crystal][item=ei-high-energy-crystal][item=ei-enriched-cryodust]. Also is habitable for fish!
ei-plasma-heater=Heat up gasses and turn them into plasma. Uses lots of energy, can also smelt.
ei-nano-factory=Highly advanced material fabrication and processing.
ei-bio-chamber=A bio chamber for growing alien related plants.
ei-bio-reactor=A bio reactor that handles alien related things.
ei-alien-console=A piece of machinery that handles the ancient Alien data. Once built it allows you to access the Alien data page in the InformaTron wiki.
ei-gate=A cross dimensional gate, constructed with ancient alien data. It leads naturally to a place within dimensions. \n[color=red][NOTE][/color]Can not transport living objects, but only items.
ei-gate-container=A cross dimensional gate, constructed with ancient alien knowledge. It leads naturally to a place within dimensions. \n[color=red][NOTE][/color]Can not transport living objects, but only items.
ei-drone-port=Control a single [color=blue]drone[/color][entity=ei-drone] from this port. The drone has its own inventory and can place buildings, however it has no offensive capabilities.
ei-crystal-accumulator-repair=Kit to repair broken crystal accumulators. Drag it over one like a normal selection tool.
ei-farstation-repair=Kit to repair broken farstations. Drag it over one like a normal selection tool.
ei-alien-beacon-repair=Kit to repair broken alien beacons. Drag it over one like a normal selection tool.
ei-gaia-pump=An offshore pump made for Gaia.
ei-alien-flowers-1=Suspicious alien life. Place it and [color=orange]shoot[/color] them to get loot.
ei-nuclear-fuel=Nuclear fission fuel
ei-rocket-fuel=Rocket fuel
ei-diesel-fuel=Diesel fuel
ei-fission-fuel=Fission based spidertron fuel
ei-fusion-fuel=Fusion based spidertron fuel
induction-matrix=Induction matrix (Tier 1) can support a total of 64 tiles.
advanced-induction-matrix=Induction matrix (Tier 2) can support a total of 100 tiles.
superior-induction-matrix=Induction matrix (Tier 3) can support a total of 144 tiles.
tech-counts-for-age-progression=This technology counts for age progression.
k2-win=[img=utility/warning_icon] [color=orange]WARNING[/color] [img=utility/warning_icon] The miniturized black hole inside the transceiver beginns to resonate with a place far away...
gate-not-enough-energy=[img=utility/warning_icon]Gate on surface [color=yellow]__3__[/color] at [gps=__1__,__2__] does not have enough energy to open.
gate-exit-container-set=Gate exit set to [color=yellow]__1__[/color] at [gps=__2__,__3__]. Connected with [entity=__4__]container.
gate-exit-set=Gate exit set to [color=yellow]__1__[/color] at [gps=__2__,__3__].
building-degraded=[img=utility/warning_icon] [entity=__1__]Building degraded over time at [gps=__2__,__3__].
knowledge-migration-complete=[img=utility/warning_icon] [color=red]Exotic Industries 0.5.0 (alien update) adds potentially breaking changes to the mod.[/color] \n\nStarting a new game is recommended, as recipes, technologies and mechanics of mid and lategame got heavy changes. See changelog for more info.
scanner-no-effect=Not scanning anything.
schematic-researched=[img=info] New schematic researched.
tech-researched=[img=info] New tech researched. [technology=__1__]
fusion-reactor-gui-temperature-tooltip=Temperature at which plasma is contained, with higher reactor temperatures yielding an increased neutron flux. Outgoing neutrons can be captured using a [img=entity/ei-neutron-collector] [color=blue]-ENTITY-ei-neutron-collector-[/color].
fusion-reactor-gui-injection-rate-tooltip=Rate at which fusion fuel is injected into the reactor vessel. A higher fuel injection rate induces a higher fusion rate and thus increases power output.
rocket-silo-gui-destination-dropdown-label-tooltip=Destination can only be modified while the rocket is being built. Changing rocket destination will [color=yellow]reset rocket building progress[/color] in this silo.
induction-matrix-gui-capacity-tooltip=Energy capacity of this induction matrix in MJ. This is increased by the addition of induction matrix coils.
induction-matrix-gui-max-energy-transfer=Maximum energy transfer [img=info]
induction-matrix-gui-max-energy-transfer-tooltip=Maximum charge/discharge rate of this induction matrix. This is increased by the addition of induction matrix converters.
induction-matrix-gui-reanalyze-tooltip=Force reanalysis of this induction matrix.
black-hole-gui-status-mass=Current mass [img=info] [font=default-bold]__1__ 10^3 kg[/font]
black-hole-gui-status-mass-tooltip=Mass stored in the black hole. A constant input of items is needed in order to maintain a constant mass value, due to a constant loss of mass during operation.
black-hole-gui-status-power-tooltip=Power generation rate of the black hole. This value depends on the total mass stored inside the black hole and on mass loss due to Hawking radiation.
message-informatron=[img=ei-compilatron] [font=default-large-bold]Informatron wiki updated![/font] A new entry for [color=green]__1__[/color] has been added.
message-destination-discovered=[img=ei-rocket-silo] [font=default-large-bold]New space destination discovered:[/font] [color=green]__1__[/color]
message-age-enabler=[img=ei-lab] [font=default-large-bold]Technological progress![/font] Enough data has been acquired to progress further, unlocked [color=green]__1__[/color].
ei-tech-scaling-curveForm=Technology cost curve form
ei-age-enabler-neededPercentage=Needed percentage for Age progress
ei-pipe-to-ground-length=Pipe to ground length
ei-nuclear-reactor-energy-output=Nuclear fission reactor energy output
ei-nuclear-reactor-remove-bonus=Remove neighbor bonus from nuclear fission reactors
ei-max_updates_per_tick=Maximum script updates per tick
ei-ticks_per_spaced_update=Amount of ticks for interval updates
ei-beacon-overload=Enable beacon overload
ei-barrel-capacity=Barrel capacity
ei-expanded-gui=Expanded crafting GUI
default=Vanilla Default [img=utility/warning_icon] [font=default-bold][color=yellow](CHANGE THIS TO EI-DEFAULT)[/color][/font] [img=utility/warning_icon]
ei-default=EI Default
default=[font=default-bold][color=yellow]THE VANILLA DEFAULT PRESET DOESN'T USE EXOTIC INDUSTRIES MAP GENERATION.[/color][/font]\nUse the EI default preset instead. Other presets like Rail-world are also supported.
ei-default=The recommended way to play Exotic Industries. Starting resources are all located on Nauvis\nEndgame related materials and content can be found on a new surface later on.
welcome-text=This is the wiki page. Here you can find information about the mod, its features and mechanics. Also new discoveries might trigger the appearance of new entries in this wiki so be sure to check it from time to time. If you have questions or problems, feel free to ask them on the mod's discord server. You can find the link to the server in the mod's description on the mod portal.
welcome-text-2=A lot of new machines, production chains and unique features await you in this mod some easy and some are more challenging. Be sure to explore them!
game-related=Gameplay related information
game-related-text=This section contains information about the mod's gameplay features and mechanics. It is divided into several subcategories. You can find them in the menu on the left.
overall=Overall information
overall-text=Exotic Industries is an overhaul mod, that influences/completely reworks nearly any aspect of vanilla factorio. Naturally Exotic Industries has no built-in integration for other big mods like Krastorio 2 or SE. Recommended mods, which are listed in the official modpack mod, come with native integration for Exotic Industries. For the best experience, it is recommended to use these mods alongside Quality of Life mods of your own choice. Be sure to check the mod settings before starting a new run as some important aspects of the mod can be tuned using them.
biters=Biters and Enemies
biters-text=Enemies play a minor role in Exotic Industries. In the early game, they can become a threat if you building very slow and don't watch pollution. However as the mod does not add any new enemies or stronger ones, dealing with biters becomes easier as the game progresses. In the late-game you will have access to various strong military options. Therefore you might consider increasing the starting area beforehand. Some biter bases mods are recommended in the official modpack.
ages-and-tech=Ages of technology
ages-and-tech-text=Exotic Industries is a mod that spans over several ages of technology. Each age has its own unique features and mechanics.
ages-and-tech-2=Dark, Steam, Electricity, Computer, Quantum and Exotic Ages
ages-and-tech-text-2=These are the six ages the mod is divided into. The Dark Age is very short, guiding towards you first steam based factory. Oil is available early on and can be used as a fuel source or to defend against biters. With building the first electronic devices the age of electricity begins. Various sources of power become available. Bots and nuclear fission are introduced in this age. The Computer Age introduces beacons and modules. High tech machinery will become available in the Quantum Age. And finally the Exotic Age will allow you to win the game.
tech-text=Exotic Industries changes the way technology is researched. A new age can only be researched if a certain percentage of techs from the previous age are already researched beforehand. In addition to that, the cost of techs is changed in Exotic Industries. All techs start with a minimal research price and become more expensive as you progress through the tech tree. This allows to rush certain techs if you like to. Scaling of this tech cost and the min/max value can be tuned under mod settings. Note that the curve form does not affect the price of the last tech but rather the scaling towards it. If you play EI for the first time keep the tech scaling linear. If you wish to use a science multiplier DO NOT use the vanilla version but instead use the mod settings.
tech-output-text=The next age you need to progress to is the [font=default-bold]__3__[/font]. You currently have [font=default-bold]__1__ / __2__[/font] percent of needed techs researched, in order to unlock the next age.
world-gen-related=World related information
world-gen-related-text=This section contains information about the mod's world generation features and mechanics. It is divided into several subcategories. You can find them in the menu on the left.
resources-text=Exotic Industries introduces a new resource system. Rather than only having ore patches, resources are separated into various categories.
stone-text=Stone is the most common resource in the game. There are no patches where it spawns, but instead stone can be mined from everywhere using a [color=orange]stone quarry[/color] [item=ei-stone-quarry][item=ei-electric-stone-quarry]. In addition to these quarries the player is capable of collecting stone by hand.
veins-text=Ore veins are only accessible later in the game by using [color=orange]deep drills[/color] [item=ei-deep-drill]. They yield high outputs and better smelting ratios. Also some materials as uranium, lead, gold and neodym can only be mined from these veins.
artifacts=Alien artifacts
artifacts-text=Some artifacts have been left behind by an ancient civilization that was able to harness the power of exotic matter. You can find their artifacts scattered across the world. Some of them might even still work.
actifacts-text-2=But be careful, they might be untouched for some reason...
gate-text=The gate allows the transport through space. The gate itself has a power draw of up to [color=orange]50 MW[/color], that needs to be supplied in order to keep it running. Droping below this value will shut down the gate. Only non-living objects can be transported through the gate. However for a successfull item transport the gate needs its exit pointing towards any [color=orange]container[/color][item=wooden-chest][item=iron-chest]. Transporting items consumes energy form the internal gate buffer.
drone-text=A drone port that allows to take over and control a [color=blue]drone[/color][entity=ei-drone]. Placing this building will create an associated drone that can be shown, when clicking the port. From there one can "uplink" to the drone and steer it. The drone can fly over terrain, place and mine buildings, move items from and into its own inventory. However it is unable to fight. At any time you can decouple from the drone using [color=orange]EXIT[/color] or port it back to its station with its retrivial control [color=orange]RESET[/color]. Flying a drone through the gate will initiate transport.
repair-text=You can repair broken alien artifacts, by making [color=blue]artifact repair packs[/color][item=ei-crystal-accumulator-repair][item=ei-farstation-repair][item=ei-alien-beacon-repair]. This will allow you to use them again. The repair process can be initiated by dragging the repair kit over the artifact. Note that the repair kit will be consumed in the process.
alien=Ancient Alien data
knowledge-text=The ancient civilization that left behind the artifacts also left behind some of their data.
new-logistics-text=Exotic Industries also introduces some new logistics features. These features are divided into several subcategories. You can find them in the menu on the left.
train-progression-text=Trains are available from early on in the steam age. At first you can only build a basic [color=orange]steam locomotive[/color] [item=ei-steam-basic-locomotive], allowing item but no fluid transport. With the improved [color=orange]advanced steam locomotive[/color] [item=ei-steam-advanced-locomotive] you can transport fluids as well. Both of these trains are fueled by burnable fuel, such as coal. However later on [color=brown]diesel fuel[/color] [item=ei-diesel-fuel-unit] is needed to power the better [color=orange] diesel locomotives[/color] [item=locomotive].
spidertron-text=Compared to vanilla spidertron is available early in the computer age. However fuel is needed to power the vehicle. Burnable fuels are a solid choice in the beginning, but later on nuclear or fusion based fuels yield good speed and acceleration bonuses onto the spidertron. In addition mods like [color=green]Spidertron Patrols[/color] and [color=green]Constructron-Continued[/color] have special integration following the spidertron changes.
cranes-and-belts=New belts and inserter cranes
cranes-and-belts-text=Exotic Industries introduces a new tier of belts, called the [color=orange]neo logistic belt[/color] [item=ei-neo-belt] made from hightech materials with 90 items/s throughput. In addition new big inserters called [color=orange]cranes [/color] [item=ei-big-inserter] are added by the mod. They can be used to unload trains at high speeds or transfer items between chests/warehouses.
bots-text=If you're playing with the Exotic Industries Bots mod you will also have access to specialised and superior robots as well as a new roboport.
new-mechanics=New gameplay mechanics
new-mechanics-text=Exotic Industries introduces a lot of new mechanics. These mechanics are divided into several subcategories. You can find them in the menu on the left.
beacon-overhaul=Beacon overhaul
beacon-overhaul-text=Exotic Industries limits how many beacons can simultaneously affect a machine to 4 beacons at max. In addition to that beacons now require cooling fluid to run. However they can hold more modules and an improved beacon is added that counts as 2 beacons towards the limit but can hold even more modules.
specialised-pipes=Specialised pipes and data cables
specialised-pipes-text=Exotic Industries introduces specialised pipes and data cables. [color=orange]Insulated pipes[/color] are used to transport very cold fluids [fluid=ei-liquid-oxygen][fluid=ei-liquid-nitrogen] or very hot [fluid=ei-heated-helium-3] in order to keep them in their liquid phase, as in normal pipes these fluids will turn into their gas versions. [color=orange]Data cables[/color] are used to transport data between machines. They are needed to run the new [color=orange]computer[/color] [item=ei-computer-core] and [color=orange]quantum computer[/color] [item=ei-quantum-computer] machines.
space-destinations=Space destinations
space-destinations-text=The [color=orange]rocket silo[/color] [item=rocket-silo] can be used to send its cargo to different destinations. When it first gets unlocked in the computer age you will only be able to send satellites into [color=green]nauvis orbit[/color]. Depending on the type of sent satellite or rocket cargo you can then receive data or other useful launch products.
space-destinations-2=Different destinations
space-destinations-2-text=As you progress, various destinations in and away from your native solar system will become available. Depending on the distance to the selected destination you will need more or less rocket fuel. Additionally some destinations need to be uncovered first, either by sending a specialised [color=orange]exploration satellite[/color] [item=ei-exploration-satellite] or by chance when sending a rocket with normal cargo. Some new destinations might be located in deep space, [color=purple]out of the solar system[/color]. Note that even when sending exploration satellites uncovering new destinations always depends on chance.
induction-matrix=Induction matrix
induction-matrix-text=The [color=orange]induction matrix[/color] is a compound machine that can be used to store large amounts of energy. It can be used to store overhead power just like normal accumulators and then release it later on. Different tiers of matrix size can be unlocked by researching the corresponding technologies.
induction-matrix-2=Induction matrix components
induction-matrix-2-text=The induction matrix is made up of several components. The [color=orange]Induction matrix core[/color] [item=ei-induction-matrix-core] is the main component of the matrix. [color=orange]Induction coils[/color] [item=ei-induction-matrix-basic-coil][item=ei-induction-matrix-advanced-coil][item=ei-induction-matrix-superior-coil] store energy. They can be upgraded to higher tiers and receive a bonus when placed near a [color=orange]matrix solenoid[/color] [item=ei-induction-matrix-basic-solenoid]. These solenoids are more effective when placed in series, but don't overbuild them. [color=orange]Converters[/color] [item=ei-induction-matrix-basic-converter][item=ei-induction-matrix-advanced-converter][item=ei-induction-matrix-superior-converter] increase the volume of power that can be transferred in and out of the matrix.
exotic-stabilizers=Exotic matter stabilizers
exotic-stabilizers-text=Exotic matter is very difficult to process. It needs a specialised machine that can withstand its high energy levels. This machine is called the [color=orange]exotic matter assembler [/color] [item=ei-exotic-assembler]. However even these machines are unstable occasionally and might explode. To prevent this from happening you can place [color=orange]exotic matter stabilizers [/color] [item=ei-matter-stabilizer] around the assembler. Maybe you can even find some in the world.
black-hole-text=The mighty [color=orange]Black hole generator[/color] is a machine capable of harnessing the energy of matter itself. Building this machine and getting it into a [color=green]fully operational[/color] state wins the game. To get this reactor working you will need a good amount of building materials, a steady supply of consumable matter and a lot of power. Therefore consider having a good [color=orange]Fusion reactor[/color] infrastructure or some high end [color=orange]Induction matrices[/color] setup beforehand.
black-hole-2-text=Multiple components make up the generator structure. The [color=orange]Black hole generator[/color] [item=ei-black-hole] is the main building needed, it will consume any item in its inventory once activated and add them to its internal [color=green]mass count[/color]. Mass inside the black hole decays over time. Here the type of item does not matter, every item yields the same mass addition. [color=orange]Energy injector pylons[/color] [item=ei-energy-injector-pylon] help in keeping the containment field of the black hole active. Each pylon consumes 5GW of power to be active, however pylons are not needed in the startup stage as the black hole is still small and can be contained by the reactor vessel itself. [color=orange] Energy extractor pylons[/color] [item=ei-energy-extractor-pylon] can extract up to 100GW per pylon from the generator. Only in the fully operational stage of the black hole this is possible.
black-hole-3=Black hole stages
black-hole-3-text=Getting the reactor to work requires different steps. In the startup state no pylons are required, only an initial mass count of [color=blue]10x10^3 kg[/color] must be reached. Upon reaching 100% stage progress the generator reaches the next state. To progress further now [color=blue]8 active injector pylons[/color] [item=ei-energy-injector-pylon] must be active at anytime. Pressing the expansion button initiates an increase in the black hole radius. Over [color=blue]60s[/color] the reactor must run in this state to get into its fully operational stage. From here on [color=orange]Energy extractor pylons[/color] [item=ei-energy-extractor-pylon] in range can extract energy from the machine and provide it to your grid. As the power output is massive the generator should now be mostly self sufficient, only needing an constant input of mass.
nuclear-fission-and-fusion=Nuclear fission and fusion
nuclear-fission-and-fusion-text=Exotic Industries introduces some new features for nuclear power. These features are divided into several subcategories. You can find them in the menu on the left.
fission-reactors=Nuclear fission changes
fission-reactors-text=Nuclear fission energy is changed in this mod. The [color=orange]nuclear reactor[/color] [item=nuclear-reactor] no longer receives a neighbor bonus and has increased energy output. Uranium is harder to obtain compared to vanilla. Recycling of burnt fuel cells allows reuse of fission products in new fuel cells for increased efficiency. [color=brown]Nuclear waste[/color] [item=ei-nuclear-waste] needs to be dealt with.
fission-reactors-2=High temperature fission
fission-reactors-2-text=The [color=orange]high temperature nuclear reactor[/color] [item=ei-high-temperature-reactor] is a new fission reactor that can be used to generate even more energy. When heated up to its working temperature and supplied with extremely large quantities of water plus a fuel rod, it produces large amounts of steam more efficiently than heat exchangers. It can even use the otherwise non-fissile [color=brown]thorium[/color] [item=ei-thorium-232-fuel] fuel.
fusion-power-text=The [color=orange]fusion reactor[/color] [item=ei-fusion-reactor] is a new machine that can be used to generate large amounts of energy by fusing light atoms together. It is cooled by a [color=orange]lead coolant[/color] [fluid=ei-cold-coolant][fluid=ei-hot-coolant] cycle. However this reactor is rather expensive to build and needs a constant input of fuel. At the beginning the best fuel options are [color=blue]lithium[/color]and [color=blue]protium[/color]. Later on you can also use [color=blue]deuterium[/color] and [color=blue]tritium[/color] as fuel or even [color=blue]helium-3[/color].
fusion-power-2-text=Aby uzyskać ulepszone paliwo do fuzji, można użyć [color=zielony]neutronów[/color]. Są one produkowane przez [color=zielony]rozszczepienie jądrowe[/color] oraz [color=zielony]źródła neutronów z fuzji[/color] i muszą być przechwytywane za pomocą [color=pomarańczowy]kolektorów neutronów[/color] [item=ekolektor neutronów]. W zależności od intensywności źródła neutronów i odległości od kolektora otrzymasz więcej lub mniej neutronów.